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  • Lifting Technology

The MAPOWER II ML2C (E) two-post lift series by MAHA has been garnering worldwide approval in the year following its introduction. This was an excellent basis for the Allgäu-based manufacturer to further optimise this product in order to meet the high demands of international customers and to further increase the quality level.


Haldenwang, 15 January 2018. The new MAPOWER II ML2C (E) two-post lift by MAHA has been available for one year, and has since been enjoying a stellar reputation worldwide, and it is not for this reason alone that vehicle manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz, VW and BMW have issued product recommendations for this two-post lift series by MAHA.

The MAPOWER II ML2C (E) lift series is extremely sturdy, has a functionally sophisticated design and – thanks to being made in Germany – boasts a high level of production quality. Thanks to its sophisticated design and high-quality materials, this lift has a long service life and is put to highly reliable use around the world as a quality product.

Safety is a priority at MAHA

A technological development will be underway for some models from the MAPOWER II series as of spring 2018: the models with a load capacity of 3.0 and 3.5 t will also be equipped with an electromechanical braking system, which has so far only been installed in models with a higher load capacity of 4.5 or 5.5 t. This highly effective braking system is permanently active in the lift’s idle mode and is only electromagnetically triggered automatically during raising and lowering cycles, guaranteeing maximum operational safety and also significantly increasing the drive’s efficiency. This additional safety feature ensures that MAHA continues to expand on its leading role in the field of technology and safety.

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